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Appendix C: Selected Readings
This page lists selected readings to supplement the texts.
- Aslib, Proceedings of the International Study Conference on Classification for Information Retrieval (London: Aslib, 1957)
- Bohdan S. Wynar, Introduction to Cataloging and Classification (Libraries Unlimited: Littleton CO, 1980) pg. 394
- Derek Langridge, Approach to Classification for Students of Librarianship (Hamden, Connecticut: Linnet Books, 1973)
CGI Scripting
- "AppleScript Archives" <URL:>
- "Overview of CGI" - "This page contains pointers to information and resources on the Common Gateway Interface, a standard for the interface between external gateway programs and information servers." <URL:>
- "Common Gateway Interface" - [This is the official specification for CGI scripting.] <URL:>
- Chuck Shotton, "Using FileMaker Pro with MacHTTP" - An archive with sample forms and CGI that shows how to hook MacHTTP to FMPro. <URL:>
- Chuck Shotton, "HyperCard CGI Demo" - Sample stack and HTML form demonstrating how HyperCard can be used to process searches, forms, etc. using the new CGI file type and "sdoc" AppleEvent sent by MacHTTP. <URL:>
- Chuck Shotton, "Writing Search Engines for MacHTTP " - This points to an archive containing C source code for a sample application that performs searches in conjunction with MacHTTP using the "srch" AppleEvent. <URL:>
- Daaron Dwyer, "CGIs In Mac C" <URL:>
- Danny Goodman, Complete AppleScript Handbook (Random House: New York, 1994)
- Dave Winer, "Aretha Website" - "Frontier is a scripting system for the Macintosh. Lots of features, lots of verbs. It used to be a commercial product, but now it's free. Why? Because I want Frontier to have a shot at becoming a standard. I think it'll be fun!" <URL:>
- Derrick Schneider, Tao of AppleScript (Hayden Books: Carmel, IN, 1993)
- Grant Neufeld, "Grant's CGI Framework" - Grant's CGI Framework is a framework for writing 68K Macintosh CGI applications in C. It currently comes with a CodeWarrior project. Features: - AppleScriptable (including the CGI sdoc event!) - Threaded - Single function entry-point for customizing to your own needs - If you use it to write free applications, it's free to use <URL:>
- Ian Andrew Bell, "Macintosh WWW Tools Compendium" <URL:>
- John O'Fallon, "Maxum Home Page" - [This page documents many of the products of Maxum.] <URL:HTTP://>
- Jon Wiederspan, "Extending WebSTAR" - Below are links to pages that hopefully will help you learn how to create CGI applications to extend the capabilities of your WebSTAR server. The primary requirements for following these lessons are a willingness to learn, patience with my jokes, and a WebSTAR server to practice on. Since the language I use in these lessons is AppleScript, it would also be a good idea to have some familiarity with it, although many complete beginners find the information here sufficient to get going. <URL:>
- Jon Wiederspan, "Extending MacHTTP" - The following is a directory of the pages I have or hope to have soon that will help you learn how to use and/or create CGI applications to extend the capabilities of your MacHTTP server. The only requirement for following these lessons is a willingness to learn, patience with my jokes, and a MacHTTP server to practice on. <URL:>
- Jon Wiederspan, "MacWWW - CGI Applications" - [This page lists various CGI applications for use with your Macintosh-based WWW server.] <URL:>
- Jon Wiederspan, "Extending MacHTTP" <URL:>
- Martin Fenner, Fred Terry, and PreFab Software, Inc., "ScriptWeb" - "This virtual site is a collaborative effort to provide a single source of information for Macintosh scripting, primarily for AppleScript and Frontier." <URL:>
- Mason Hale, "Frontier CGI Scripting" - This is the home of documentation and examples related to the writing and running of CGI scripts in the Frontier scripting environment. <URL:>
- Matthias Neeracher, "MacPerl Q & A" <URL:>
- Netscape Communications, Inc., "Netscape API for the Macintosh" - "Netscape uses AppleEvents to interact with other Macintosh applications. It is scriptable, and partially recordable. Most of the events (and all Netscape-specific ones) are documented in the Netscape's AppleEvent dictionary. You see the dictionary with the Script Editor, a scripting utility available from Apple." <URL:>
- Robert Godwin-Jones, "Guide to Web Forms and CGI Scripts for Language Learning" <URL:>
- Sandra Silcot, "MacPerl Primer" - "This Primer is intended to assist new users get started with Macintosh Perl, and to point out salient differences for experienced Unix Perlers. This Primer is not a language reference manual, nor does it replace Matthias's documentation or Hal Wine's Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about MacPerl. The primer assumes you have already obtained and installed MacPerl, and that you have read the MacPerl FAQ." <URL:>
- Scott S. Lawton, "Scripting" - Our goal is to make this site one of the three most useful places on the Web for Macintosh script writers, focusing on AppleScript and Frontier. (We also don't mind some good -- hopefully friendly -- competition!) <URL:>
- Spyglass, Inc. , "Software Development Interface" - "This document describes a cross-platform API which can be used to extend the capabilities of Web browsers by integrating them with other applications. The API is specified as a set of platform-independent generic verbs which can be issued either to or from Web browsers. Platform-specific implementations of this spec are given for the AppleEvents and DDE transports. Future transports to be provided include OLE2 and TCP/IP (for UNIX)." <URL:>
- Tom Trinko, Applied Mac Scripting (M and T Books: New York, 1995) - The volume represents just about the only book available describing how to program Frontier.
Editing HTML
- "Guides to Writing HTML Documents" - "These guides are about writing style, which HTML constructs to use when, when to divide up documents into multiple parts, etc. Also see information on the HTML language itself, learning HTML, editors, and converters." <URL:>
- "ANSI/ISO 8859-1 Coded Character Set" - "This list, sorted numerically, is derived from ANSI/ISO 8859-1 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character set." <URL:>
- Bill Spurlock, "HTML Writers Guild Website" - The Guild provides information resources for members in the form of FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) and answers to those questions. FAQs are especially helpful to new Guild members and beginners in the art of Web authoring. <URL:>
- David Siegel, "David Siegel's High Five" - This site demonstrates what can be done with HTML and Netscapisms. <URL:>
- Eamonn Sullivan, "Crash course on writing documents for the Web" - "wrote this to help people in PC Week Labs to write documents for our web server. It's designed for someone who wants to put a page on the web but could care less about most of the technical details and doesn't want to read a book. I hope it's helpful." <URL:>
- Eric Tilton, "Composing Good HTML" - "As the Web continues to explode in its own inimitable fashion, it is becoming more and more important to write HTML that conforms to certain guidelines. Specifically, with the current diversity of clients for the Web (and we can only expect to see more!), it's become important to write HTML that will look good on any client, and not just on the specific client which the author may have access to." <URL:>
- Hakon W Lie, "HTML Style sheets" - "This page contains pointers to information about style sheets in the context of HTML. A mailing list,, has been started to host discussions on this topic. Feel free to add/delete yourself or browse the archive." <URL:>
- HTML Writers Guild, "Principles of Good HTML Design" - This is a list of ``general principles'' of quality HTML design. It is intended to educate HTML authors to the elements of good and bad HTML style. It does not seek to ``control'' Guild members, but rather to encourage them to adopt these practices in their everyday HTML construction. <URL:>
- Iam Graham, "HTML Documentation" <URL:>
- Jeff Barry, "The Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and the World-Wide-Web: Raising ASCII Text to a New Level of Usability." The Public Access Computer Systems Review, 5 no. 5 (1994):5-62 <URL:>
- John Price-Wilkin, "Using the World Wide-Wide Web to Deliver Complex Electronic Documents: Implications for Libraries." The Public Access Computer Systems Review, 5 no. 3 (1994): 5-21 <URL:>
- Larry Aronson, HTML Manual of Style (Ziff-Davis Press: Emerville, CA 1994) - This is one of the first HTML books to appear on the market.
- Lars Aronsson, "TEI Filelist -- files of the Text Encoding Initiative" - This list of files is one of the best collections describing the Standardized Generalized Markup Language (SGML). <URL:>
- Laura Lemay, Teach Yourself Web Publishing with HTML in a Week (SAMS Publishing: Indianapolis, IN 1995) - This easy-to-read book is thorough and complete.
- Martin Ramsch, "iso8859-1 table" - [This is a list of the codes used to generate special characters in HTML.] <URL:>
- National Center for Supercomputing Applications, "A Beginner's Guide to URLs" <URL:>
- NCSA, "HTML Primer " <URL:>
- Robert Lentz, "Macintosh Web Programs and Utilties" <URL:>
- Tim Berners-Lee and Dan Connolly, ed., "HyperText Markup Language (HTML)" - "HTML is a markup language for hypertext which is understood by all WWW clients. Here we discuss the HTML language, i.e. its syntax and semantics, including information on the history of the language, status of the standard, and development issues." <URL:>
- Tom Magliery, "Mag's Big List of HTML Editors" <URL:>
- Tom Savola with Alan Westenbroek and Joseph Heck, Special Edition Using HTML (Que: Indianapolis, IN 1995) - This book, while rather expensive described in detail HTML as well as providing many pieces of software and documentation on its CD-ROM.
- Vannevar Bush, "As We May Think" Atlantic Monthly 176 (July 1945): 101-108 <URL:>
- Wm. Dennis Horn, "HTML Documents: A Mosaic Tutorial" <URL:>
- Yale Center for Advanced Instructional Media, "Yale C/AIM WWW Style Manual" - This is one of the more scholarly treatments of the subject. <URL:>
Extending browsers
- Dave Winer, "Aretha Website" - "Frontier is a scripting system for the Macintosh. Lots of features, lots of verbs. It used to be a commercial product, but now it's free. Why? Because I want Frontier to have a shot at becoming a standard. I think it'll be fun!" <URL:>
- Martin Fenner, Fred Terry, and PreFab Software, Inc., "ScriptWeb" - "This virtual site is a collaborative effort to provide a single source of information for Macintosh scripting, primarily for AppleScript and Frontier." <URL:>
- Netscape Communications, Inc., "Netscape API for the Macintosh" - "Netscape uses AppleEvents to interact with other Macintosh applications. It is scriptable, and partially recordable. Most of the events (and all Netscape-specific ones) are documented in the Netscape's AppleEvent dictionary. You see the dictionary with the Script Editor, a scripting utility available from Apple." <URL:>
- Spyglass, Inc. , "Software Development Interface" - "This document describes a cross-platform API which can be used to extend the capabilities of Web browsers by integrating them with other applications. The API is specified as a set of platform-independent generic verbs which can be issued either to or from Web browsers. Platform-specific implementations of this spec are given for the AppleEvents and DDE transports. Future transports to be provided include OLE2 and TCP/IP (for UNIX)." <URL:>
Graphic utilities
- "Computers:World Wide Web: HTML Editors:Macintosh" <URL:>
- "Macintosh WWW Development Resources" <URL:>
- Chuck Shotton, "How to serve QuickTime movies" - Serving QuickTime movies from a Mac running MacHTTP is really no different than serving any other binary document (such as GIF or JPEG files) with one exception. The movie data must be in a proper, flattened format. <URL:>
- Daniel W. Connolly, Bruno Girschweiler, and Tim Berners-Lee, "Graphics formats for WWW" - "The World-Wide web is a multimedia information space. This means that one of the design issues is dealing with various data formats. In addition to HTML and other textual formats, since the widespread availability of NCSA Mosaic and other visual interfaces to the web, more and more of the web's information is represented or augmented with data in any number of popular graphics formats." <URL:>
- Robert Lentz, "Macintosh Web Programs and Utilties" <URL:>
- Yahoo, "Computers: World Wide Web: HTML Editors:Macintosh" <URL:>
Helper Applications
- Scott D. Nelson, "WWW Viewer Test Page" - This pages helps you test your WWW browser for helper applications. By clicking on the "test" buttons a file will be downloaded to your machine and then your browser will try to open it. If it doesn't open the file, then this page lists helper applications that you can use to "fix" the problem. <URL:>
HTML Editors
- "Computers:World Wide Web: HTML Editors:Macintosh" <URL:>
- "Macintosh WWW Development Resources" <URL:>
- IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force), "IETF HyperText Markup Language (HTML) Working Group" <URL:>
- Yahoo, "Computers: World Wide Web: HTML Editors:Macintosh" <URL:>
Image mapping
- Jon Wiederspan, "Maps for MacHTTP" <URL:>
- Bill Doerrfeld, "MacHTTP-Talk Digests" <URL:>
- Brad Schrick, "Brad's WebSTAR/MacHTTP Pages" - [This is the most comprehensive list of MacHTTP/WebSTAR servers available.] <URL:>
- Chuck Shotton, "How to serve Mac documents" - Information on serving documents from Mac-specific applications like MS Word, Excel, or MacDraw Pro. (This info is somewhat outdated by the addition of MIME types in MacHTTP 1.2.4 and later.) <URL:>
- Chuck Shotton, "MacHTTP Technical Reference" - This document is intended to provide a reference to MacHTTP features and capabilities. [This document is also available as a part of the complete MacHTTP 2.2 distribution.] <URL:>
- Chuck Shotton, "MacHTTP Questions and Answers" <URL:>
- Chuck Shotton, "MacHTTP Security" - MacHTTP has two techniques for providing access controls. MacHTTP can restrict incoming connections based on the IP address or domain name of the remote client. Also, MacHTTP implements the "Basic" authentication scheme supported by most WWW clients and servers. This method allows you to assign access controls to files or folders that require a remote user to enter a valid username and password before they are allowed to access the information. <URL:>
- Chuck Shotton, "Performance Tuning for MacHTTP" - There are lots of different ways to get MacHTTP to "go real fast." This document discusses a few of the factors that affect MacHTTP's performance and how you can adjust them. <URL:>
- Eric Bickford and Brad Schrick, "Mac Webmasters Consultant Directory" - "This Web site lists more then 150 consultants available throughout the world who are experts in electronic publishing on the Internet's World Wide Web using Apple Macintosh and compatible computers." <URL:>
- Grant Neufeld, "Macintosh World Wide Web Frequently Asked Questions" <URL:>
- Ian Andrew Bell, "Macintosh WWW Tools Compendium" <URL:>
- Robert Lentz, "Macintosh Web Programs and Utilties" <URL:>
- StarNine, "StarNine Mailing List Maintenance" <URL:>
- StarNine, "WebSTAR by StarNine Technologies" - Based on Chuck Shotton's MacHTTP, WebSTAR(TM) helps you publish hypertext documents to millions of Web users around the world, right from your Macintosh. You can also use WebSTAR to put any Macintosh file on the Web, including GIF and JPEG images and even QuickTime(TM) movies. And yet, using WebSTAR is as easy as AppleShare(r). Plus, it's faster than many Web servers running on UNIX. <URL:>
- Stephen Collin, "Web 66" - <URL:>
- Stephen E. Collins, "Classroom Internet Server Cookbook" - This is cookbook gives the recipes for setting up an Internet server in a classroom. <URL:>
- Verity Inc., "Recent MacHTTP/WebSTAR messages sorted by date" <URL:>
- Verity Inc., "Virtual Library Search [Macintosh]" - This page allow you to search the archives of the MacHTTP Mailing List. <URL:>
No network computing
- Grant Neufeld, "Running MacHTTP Locally Without A Network" - This text describes how to configure MacTCP so your WWW server will run even though you may not be physically connected to a network. <URL:>
- Grant Neufeld, "Using TCP on a LocalTalk Network" - Grant describes how to run a WWW server on an AppleTalk-only network without the Internet. <URL:>
- John Norstad, "MacTCP Switcher" - This handy utility saves and restores MacTCP configurations. <URL:>
- HTML Writers Guild, "Principles of Good HTML Design" - This is a list of ``general principles'' of quality HTML design. It is intended to educate HTML authors to the elements of good and bad HTML style. It does not seek to ``control'' Guild members, but rather to encourage them to adopt these practices in their everyday HTML construction. <URL:>
- Jan V. White, Graphic Design for the Electronic Age, (Watson-Guptill : New York 1988)
- Robin Williams, The Non-Designer's Design Book (Peach Pit Press: Berkeley CA 1994)
- Roy Paul Nelson, Publication Design, 5th ed. (Wm. C Brown: Debuque IA 1991)
- Yale Center for Advanced Instructional Media, "Yale C/AIM WWW Style Manual" - This is one of the more scholarly treatments of the subject. <URL:>
Uniform Resource Locators
- Daniel W. Connolly, "WWW Names and Addresses, URIs, URLs, URNs, URCs" - "Addressing is one of the fundamental technologies in the web. URLs, or Uniform Resource Locators, are the technology for addressing documents on the web. It is an extensible technology: there are a number of existing addressing schemes, and more may be incorporated over time." <URL:>
- National Center for Supercomputing Applications, "A Beginner's Guide to URLs" <URL:>
- URI working group of the Internet Engineering Task Force, "Uniform Resource Locators" - Try also, <URL:>
World Wide Web
- "World Wide Web" - [This URL will take you to a terminal-based WWW browser.] <URL:telnet://>
- Aaron Anderson, "Mac Net Journal" <URL:>
- Alan Richmond, "WWW Development" <URL:>
- Bob Alberti, et al., "Internet Gopher protocol" <URL:gopher://>
- CERN, "[Summary of HTTP Error Codes]" <URL:>
- CERN European Laboratory for Particle Physics , "CERN Welcome" - CERN is one of the world's largest scientific laboratories and an outstanding example of international collaboration of its many member states. (The acronym CERN comes from the earlier French title: "Conseil Europeen pour la Recherche Nucleaire") <URL:>
- CNIDR, "freewais Page" <URL:>
- Distributed Computing Group within Academic Computing Services of The University of Kansas, "About Lynx" <URL:>
- Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), "HTTP: A protocol for networked information" - HTTP is a protocol with the lightness and speed necessary for a distributed collaborative hypermedia information system. It is a generic stateless object-oriented protocol, which may be used for many similar tasks such as name servers, and distributed object-oriented systems, by extending the commands, or "methods", used. A feature if HTTP is the negotiation of data representation, allowing systems to be built independently of the development of new advanced representations. <URL:>
- Jon Wiederspan, "Macintosh WWW Information" - "This is everything I have been able to gather about software, information sources, and online documentation that will help you put up a WWW site on your Macintosh computer. Someday soon I'll have some spiffy graphics, but that's not why you came, right? So here's the straight stuff for now." <URL:>
- Karen MacArthur, "World Wide Web Initiative: The Project" - [This site hosts many standard concerning the World Wide Web in general.] <URL:>
- Mary Ann Pike, et al., Special Edition Using the Internet with Your Mac (Que: Indianapolis, IN 1995)
- NCSA, "NCSA Home Page" <URL:>
- NCSA, "NCSA Mosaic Home Page" <URL:>
- NCSA, "NCSA Mosaic for the Macintosh Home Page" <URL:>
- NCSA, "NCSA Mosaic for Microsoft Windows Home Page" <URL:>
- NCSA HTTPd Development Team, "NCSA HTTPd Overview" <URL:>
- Software Development Group (SDG) at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, "SDG Introduction" <URL:>
- Thomas Boutell, "World Wide Web FAQ" - "The World Wide Web Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) is intended to answer the most common questions about the web." <URL:>
- Tim Berners-Lee, Roy T. Fielding, and Henrik Frystyk Nielsen, "Hypertext Transfer Protocol" - "The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) has been in use by the World-Wide Web global information initiative since 1990. HTTP is an application-level protocol with the lightness and speed necessary for distributed, collaborative, hyper media information systems. It is a generic, stateless, object-oriented protocol which can be used for many tasks, such as name servers and distributed object management systems, through extension of its request methods (commands). A feature of HTTP is the typing and negotiation of data representation, allowing systems to be built independently of the data being transferred." <URL:>
- Ulrich Pfeifer, "FreeWAIS-sf" <URL:>
- University of Kansas, "KUfact Online Information System" <URL:>
- University of Minnesota Computer & Information Services Gopher Consultant service, "Information about gopher" <URL:gopher://>
- Vannevar Bush, "As We May Think" Atlantic Monthly 176 (July 1945): 101-108 <URL:>
- WAIS, Inc., "WAIS, Inc." <URL:>
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Eric last edited this page on September 26, 1995. Please feel free to send comments.